Dental Grants for Patients in Need
With Caring International dentists get paid to provide their best care for even low-income, special needs, and uninsured patients.
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Helping denists and labs give the best care possible without cutting corners or accepting a fraction of appropriate fees.
Board of Directors
Founded and run by some of the world's most passionate dental philanthropists.
Founder, Chairman & Executive Director, Caring International Nonprofit President, Dentinomics: Cutting-edge CE for Cutting-Edge Professionals Advanced Education in Dental Anesthesiology, UHMC-Stony Brook DDS, Top 10 in graduating class, SUNY-Stony Brook School of Dental Medicine Magna Cum Laude: BS Psychology, University of Utah Clinical Assistant Professor of Dentistry, University of Utah Winner, Kilimitzoglou/Schein Pioneer in Dentistry Award
Pres. Elect-IADR, Tenured Professor Neurobio./Anat./Path.-UofU. BDS-Govt. Dent. College-Bombay. DDS, MS & PhD UT-Houston. Pres. Medal-Research Excellence, AADR Natl. Stud. Research Mentoring Award. Fellow-AAAS & AADR. Member-Am. College Dentists. NIH funded 30+ years, 150+ manuscripts/chapters-craniofacial development/genetics/regenerative dentistry. Previous appts.: Pres. AADR, Inagural Dean-UofU SOD, Chairperson Baylor COD Biomed. Sciences & Director of Research-Ortho. UT-Houston.
BS BYU Cum Laude, DDS USC, MS Utah Anesthes., OMS USC, PhD Columbia Pacific Univ., JD Taft Univ. MD Antigua, Director UNLV OMS, Teacher LDS Church Seminary Clark HS, Editor Journals NDA and Western Society of OMS, President American College of Legal Medicine, Eagle Scout, WHT SOL Alumnus of the Year, AAOMS National Educator of the Year, BYU Alumni Achievement Award. Board Certifications: American Board of OMS, American Dent. Board of Anesthes., American Board of Legal Medicine
BA, DDS, and PhD-SUNY Buffalo, Periodontal residency UCSF, Diplomate American Board of Periodontology. Internationally recognized for work on HIV and oral manifestations in immune-compromised patents. Has contriubted to numerous clinical research projects and authored 60+ journal articles and textbook chapters. Previous Professor and Chairman of Periodontology and Director of Postgraduate Programs at the University of Detroit Mercy SOD and Associate Dean of Education at the University of Utah
DDS Washington University School of Dental Medicine 1989 General Practice Residency University of Utah 1990 Pierre Fauchard Academy-Fellow Brigham Young University B.S. in Zoology, minor in Chinese Exchange Student at Victoria University in Manchester, England Omicron Kappa Upsilon-member Member ADA, UDA, AGD
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